Clinics We Offer

Long Term Conditions
Diabetes/Asthma/Hypertension/Chronic Heart Disease/Depression/Renal Disease.
We encourage patients with these conditions to be actively involved in their own care. We offer advice and monitoring of the disease and access to specialist services when appropriate. The practice nurses maintains registers of patients with the above conditions and patients are encouraged to make appointments to see them at regular intervals.
Well Person
We offer a health “MOT” which is particularly aimed to help prevent illness. Appointments are made at reception. Please bring a specimen of urine with you. The nurse will check height, weight, blood pressure, urine and immunisation status. She will answer any questions about your health and advise you about exercise, smoking, alcohol and diet.
Regular Health Checks
We like to see all our patients at least once every three years.
Smoking Cessation
Both doctors and nurse are actively involved in encouraging patients to stop smoking. During consultations patients are offered the option of being referred to the Smoking Cessation Services.

Child Health
An appointment will be sent notifying the date and time of appointment for the 6-8 week check and immunisation which can also be linked with the post natal check. Appointments will then be sent for all follow up immunisations. Parents sending a representative with their child for immunisation need to send a letter of authorisation and the red book, otherwise the child will not be immunised.
Cervical Smears
We recommend that all women up to the age of 65 have regular smear tests unless advised by the doctor. If you would like the practice nurse to carry out your smear, please make an appointment with her at reception.
The doctors also carry out a full postnatal check six weeks after birth. Future family planning, smear, children’s development and immunisations are normally discussed at this time.

Social Prescriber
Social prescribing is a way for local agencies to refer people to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.
Link workers also support existing community groups to be accessible and sustainable, and help people to start new groups, working collaboratively with all local partners.
Social prescribing works for a wide range of people, including people:
- with one or more long-term conditions
- who need support with their mental health
- who are lonely or isolated
- who have complex social needs which affect their wellbeing.